Does Your Dog Have Anxiety? Finally, There’s Sileo Anti-anxiety
You may be asking yourself; dogs have anxiety? Absolutely! Even though they do not have anxiety for some of the same reasons we do, there are similarities. Canines and humans both experience stress/anxiety from loneliness, travel turmoil (airplane, kennel/boarding), and noise anxiety. Now, when a dog suffers from noise anxiety, medication is available. Thunderstorms and fireworks are not as frightening anymore. Sileo anti-anxiety medication for dogs will go a long way to prevent dogs from running away, experiencing physical harm, destroying property, running into traffic, etc., all from sudden loud noises. Not all such noises are predictable, but Sileo should handle the ones that are.
Fear of loud noises is a common problem for the 70 million dogs in the U.S. and their owners. Dogs are sometimes so frightened they jump through windows, destroy doors while trying to escape a room or run into traffic and get hit by cars. July 5 is the most common day for frustrated pet owners to drop a dog off at a shelter, according to a Zoetis study.
“I have seen the absolutely worst things that can happen with noise anxiety,” Dr. J. Michael McFarland, head of U.S. pet marketing at Zoetis, who formerly worked at multiple animal hospitals.
Before Sileo Anti-anxiety, What Did People Do?
It seemed logical that tranquilizers proven effective on humans could work, so dogs received Xanax and other medications. Some used methods to “reprogram” a dogs reaction to loud noise by introducing increasing noise in a gradually fashion (desensitization). Then there is snug-fitting clothing designed to simulate a comforting hug. All had limited success.
How Do You Use Sileo Anti-anxiety?
Sileo comes in plastic syringes or tubes with a dial on them. This ensures a proper dose based on the dogs weight. Place the end of the syringe inside the dog’s mouth between the gum and lip, squeeze out the proper amount of gel, and it is done. The tissue lining the inside of the dog’s mouth absorbs Sileo. Within 30 to 60 minutes Sileo begins to block norepinephrine, an adrenaline-like chemical in the brain of the dog. Therefore, loud noises cannot spike the dogs nervous reaction as happened before. Sileo lasts for 2 to 3 hours.
How Expensive Is Sileo Anti-anxiety for Dog Owners?
A syringe is $30.00 and contains about two doses for a dog 80 to 100 pounds, and four doses if your dog is about 40 pounds. Zoetis, arguably the world’s largest animal health products company, has exclusive distribution rights in the United States. Before its recent availability through veterinarians, there was preliminary testing New Years Eve on 182 beagles. Seventy-five percent of owners gave it a good or excellent review, beating the thirty-three percent success rate of the dogs that were given placebos. For more information about Sileo Anti-anxiety, ask your veterinarians or visit
Who to Call for All Your Dogs Behavioral Needs?
Whether it is training, boarding, consultations, or anything else, the best Long Island and Nassau County answer is always to contact the dog training professionals at You and your dog deserve the best!