Fun Ways Dog Training Long Island Will Help You Exercise Your Dog
Maybe you are having trouble finding time to walk Fido with your busy work schedule, or your pooch could stand to lose a few pounds. Proper canine fitness is unquestionably important for all breeds of dogs. Here are some ways to dog training Long Island will exercise your dog that differ from the usual daily walks. We are tons of fun for both you and your furry friend.
Obstacle Course
Building an obstacle course and training your dog to use it is one of the most entertaining and rewarding experiences for a dog owner. Whether you are making it from professional jumps and teeter boards or homemade cardboard box tunnels and plastic hula hoops, your dog is sure to have a blast when you reward them as they master the obstacles.
New Tricks
You probably put away the How to Train Your Dog book after Fido learned how to sit and stopped jumping on Aunt Susie whenever she came to visit. Teaching your dog new tricks is fun and rewarding for both you and your furry best friend, as well as something to impress your human friends. If your dog does not know how to roll over or fetch their leash at walk time, now is a great time to start teaching them with the help of professional dog training Long Island. To avoid the frustration of teaching new tricks and training, check out our dog training Long Island services. Your dog be getting that all-important physical exercise, be challenging their brain, and learning new tricks.
Puppy Party
Is it just us, or do our dogs run around and start panting whenever new canine faces visit? Visiting pets are a great way for your dog to get their exercise. Invite a bunch of friends over and mingle outside in a fenced-in area where your dog can run around and play. Put out a few of your dogs favorite toys, so you and your guests can play fetch. Just make sure your dog is sociable to other dogs with our dog training Long Island first. You can even host your little doggie get-together as a sleepover and encourage your fellow dog owners to bring over their pooches to play. Even if all they do is run around with excitement from seeing all these new people, your dog will certainly be tired out by morning.
For more dog-related awesomeness and to inquire about our dog training Long Island services, contact Canine Commander today.