"It’s All About The Dog"

Dog Taking You for Walks? Nassau County Dog Training Can Help

When you bring your new pet back to your home for the first time, you envision going on nice leisurely walks together after work. The reality is often much different, at least at first. Your dog pulls on the leash, lags behind, stops every 10 feet to sniff the surroundings or a combination of all these things. You feel frustrated because it seems like your dog is taking you for a walk instead of the other way around. Nassau County dog training can help.

Dog Taking You for Walks? Call Nassau County Dog Training

Consistency is Extremely Important

If you allow your dog to pull one day and then severely reprimand them for the same behavior the next day, it sends conflicting messages. Even worse, pulling and other annoying behaviors are unlikely to stop. However, you probably don’t know how to train your dog to act appropriately on walks. That may tempt you to allow them to get away with leash-pulling indefinitely. You tell yourself that they are just a puppy or that you do not have the time to train them properly. Eventually, you may give up walking your dog altogether because it is just too much of a struggle.

Nassau County Dog Training is Available

At our Nassau County dog training center, we use a combination of operant and classical conditioning to address problem behavior and replace it with the actions you desire. Red light, green light is one such technique that we may use. When training dogs on a leash, we allow them to walk only as far as the end of the leash and then command them to stop. We stop dead in our tracks to show that we mean business. Our trainers only give the dog the command to go once he has stopped and is no longer tugging on the leash.

We repeat this exercise multiple times until your dog understands she is to remain with you and not pull or try to lead. It is one of many conditioning strategies we use to bring about desired behavior. To learn more about our behavior modification program or to request a consultation, contact Canine Commander today. We are your Nassau County dog training experts.

"Just got my pup back and he is so well behaved! These guys are awesome and went above and beyond to train my puppy. They were very quick to respond and always gave us video updates while Dobby was still with them. Highly recommend."
- Nicole F.

Canine Commander Long Island Dog Training

Providing Long Island dog owners with professional dog training and board and train services. Serving Nassau County, Suffolk County and New York City from our Bethpage, New York location.