Never Underestimate the Power of Canine Understanding
Most people underestimate the power of their canine understanding, with the belief that dogs are not as smart as we might give them credit. As your most loyal companion, you have an instant connection with your pet. However, that loyalty does not always mean our canine buddies have the patience to deal with whatever we throw at them.
Studies have recently found that if you give your dog inappropriate commands, he or she quickly learns to ignore your wishes. The study involved 40 pet dogs of various breeds at the Yale’s Canine Cognition Center. Psychologists placed treats inside puzzles, showing the dogs how to retrieve them. Although the puzzle should have been one simple step by lifting a lid to a box, an extra action was added by the researchers. The dog would need to push a lever that was attached to the box that had no effect on recovering the treat.
The dogs were left alone during the process while the dogs went several rounds to get their treat. With the progression of the experiment, dogs eventually learned they did not need to push the lever, disregarding that step altogether. After an in-depth insight to dog cognition, it is clear that we do not fully appreciate the canine understanding.
We at Canine Commander can help you with the full understanding of your loyal canine companion through appropriate training beneficial to you and your dog. Contact Canine Commander with any all questions and concerns regarding proper training and behavior of your dog that brings out the full canine understanding of your pet.