A Dog Rescued is a Dog Reborn
We are all familiar with the old saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” While people typically associate this phrase with inanimate objects, sometimes it also applies to living things. A dog rescued, is an opportunity for a new owner to find value in the dog that the previous owner did not see. Moreover, that results in a new life, a ‘rebirth,’ for the lucky dog and its new owner. That is what happened with ‘CB’, a dog rescued from a crate in a field by a motorcyclist out for a ride.
On January 31, 2015, Bret Winingar from Little Rock, Ark., was out riding his motorcycle with some friends and family members when he came across an old pet carrier tossed in a field on the side of the road. At first Winingar thought nothing of it, but upon inspection, he discovered an emaciated female dog left trapped inside the crate.
Many times, a dog rescued has suffered abuse, mistreatment or negligence with their previous owners that led to them becoming a rescue dog. These difficult backgrounds can result in behavioral issues that make hopeful pet owners concerned about taking on the burden of a rescue dog. However, with the appropriate training to address behavioral issues, these dogs become ideal pets and lifelong friends.
Through classical and operant training, negative behaviors are addressed, and acceptable behaviors are taught. Finding professional dog training adept at identifying issues and developing a behavior modification program specific to the individual dog, can eliminate any residual poor behavior the dogs exhibit due to past traumatic experiences.
Keep in mind that not all the time a dog rescued is exhibiting negative behaviors because they were abused. Some rescue dogs need obedience training rather than behavior modification due to negligent care from previous owners. They simply need to be taught the proper way to behave rather than reprogrammed to address the negative learned behavior.
Some of the behaviors that a rescue dog might exhibit due to neglect or a lack of training include:
- Separation Anxiety
- Fear
- Biting
- Hyperactivity
- Aggression
- Excessive Barking
- Insecurity
A professional dog trainer experienced working with rescue dogs can easily identify the specific behaviors to correct. After making an assessment, the trainer will recommend the appropriate treatment course to ensure that the dog you rescue is a well-behaved member of your family. The professional dog trainers at Canine Commander can help you give your rescue dog a new life and bring years of joy to both you, your family and your new dog. Contact Canine Commander today to learn more.